Saturday, September 5, 2015

Starting at 0-Level in D&D 5e

 Who loves playing D&D, and starting the PCs out as 0-level nobodies?  This guy!

 One of my favorite AD&D modules, penned by the late, great Aaron Allston, and the one that introduced me to 0-level characters.

And while the new 5th Edition D&D rules don't actually support starting at 0-level, this is ridiculously easy to fix.  My own personal "patch" is as follows:

Starting at 0-Level

Step One - PCs roll their stats using whatever method you prefer.

Step Two - Each player then rolls a 1d100 on the "Table of Many Backgrounds" below, to determine their starting background, proficiencies, equipment, and languages. 

To make the pain of having to roll on a random chart go down better, I also grant the PC the listed bonuses to their attributes. So, for example, if you roll a "1," your background is an Actor, and in addition to all the proficiencies and equipment listed, you gain a +4 bonus to your starting Charisma and a +1 bonus to all other attributes.

Note:  I *do* allow players, if they wish, to choose their own background, rather than randomly rolling.  However, their characters do *not* gain the listed bonus to attributes.  The brave and the bold roll and let the dice fall where they may!

Step Three - Chose race and gain the benefits listed in the PHB.

Step Four - Final touches:
  • All 0-level characters start with 6 HP, plus their CON modifier.
  • Starting proficiency bonus is +1.
  • 0-level characters are not proficient in any saving throws.
  • You begin only with the equipment and money listed on the table.
  • If your background indicates that you know one or more 0-level spells, you may only cast each spell once per long rest.
Advancing to First Level - After your first adventure, assuming you are alive and have accumulated at least 50 XP, you can advance into any character class of your choice:
  • Your proficiency bonus increases from +1 to +2.
  • You roll HP as normally when leveling up (but do not get the maximum at first level).
  • You gain all the normal proficiencies, abilities, etc., for your new class.  In the case of duplication, you gain no benefit.
  • You do not gain any additional equipment, except that Wizards gain a spellbook for free, and clerics/druids gain a holy symbol, if they do not have one already.

Fans of the superb Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG from Goodman Games will know exactly what gave me the inspiration for rolling backgrounds randomly and the chart below.

This is the method of character generation I have been using in my Neverwinter Nights D&D "cloud" campaign.  Overall, it results in characters that are a bit stronger and more skilled than normal, by-the-book PCs, but not overly so.  Enjoy!

Want to read about the campaign these rules were made for?  Click here for information of the Neverwinter Nights "cloud" campaign, 26 players strong and growing.

The Table of Many Backgrounds 
1d100 Roll
Weapon, Armor & Skill     Proficiencies
Tool Proficiencies
Attribute Bonus 
(Max 20)
Starting Equipment
Dagger, Club, Deception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Chondathan, Two Additional Languages
Disguise Kit, One Musical Instrument
+4 CHA
+1 to All other
Clothes (traveler’s, fine, and a collection of 3 common costumes), Dagger, Disguise Kit, Book w/ Collection of Plays, One Musical Instrument of Your Choice, Broadsheet Pamphlet (raving about one of your past performances), Backpack, Sack, Bedroll, Mule w/ Saddlebags, 25 gp
Adventurer’s Heir
Dagger, Shortsword, Club, Light & Medium Armor, Athletics, History, Arcana, Chondathan, Elvish, One Additional Language
+1 to All
Clothing (traveler’s), Shortsword, Silvered Dagger, Chain Shirt, Potion of Healing, Chapbook of Tales of a Famous Adventurer, Backpack, Bedroll, Waterskin, 50 gp 
Alchemist’s Apprentice
Club, Quarterstaff, Arcana, Nature, Chondathan, Two Additional Languages
Herbalism Kit, Alchemist’s Tools, Poisoner’s Tools
+2 INT, 
  +2 DEX, 
+2 CON
Robes, Common Clothing, Dagger, Alchemist’s Tools, Herbalism Kit, 2 Vials Alchemists’ Fire, Vial of Antitoxin, Book of Notes & Alchemical Recipes, Quills & Ink Vial, Backpack, Bedroll, Waterskin, Wineskin, 30 gp
Shortbow, Dagger, Athletics, Perception, Survival, Chondathan, One Additional Language
Woodcarver’s Tools
+2 DEX,
+2 STR
Traveler’s Clothing, Dagger, Shortbow, Quiver of 20 Arrows, Mess Kit, Backpack, Bedroll, Waterskin, 2d6 sp
Dagger, Shortsword, Light Crossbow, Shortbow, Light Armor, Deception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Chondathan, One Additional Language
Thieves’ Tools
+2 DEX,
+2 CON
Traveler’s Clothing, Leather Armor, 2 Daggers in Hidden Wrist-Sheaths, Shortsword, Thieves’ Tools, Pouch with a Pinch of Arsenic (ingested, DC 15 Con Save or 3d6 damage and poisoned for 1 day), Large Sack, Wineskin, 50 gp
Club, Quarterstaff, Dagger, Light Armor, Chondathan, One Additional Language, Choose One of the Following:  Animal Handling, Deception, or Persuasion
Cook’s Utensils
+5 CON,
+1 to All other
Homemade Padded Armor, Club, Dagger, Clothes (common),  5 lbs. Sack of Flour, Backpack, Bedroll, Cooking Utensils, Waterskin, Bottle of Sembian Red Wine, 10 gp
Shortsword, Dagger, Club, Shortbow, Light Armor, Stealth, Survival, Chondathan, One Additional Language
+2 STR, 
+2 CON
Common Clothes, Black Cloth for Tying Around Face, Leather Armor, Shortsword, Dagger, Shortbow, 10 Arrows, Set of Dice, Backpack, Bedroll, Wineskin, 3d10 gp
Dagger, Club, Insight, Medicine, Chondathan, One Additional Language 
Barber’s Tools
+3 DEX,
+1 to All other
Common Clothes, Dagger, Barber’s Tools (scissors, razors, brushes, combs, creams, tooth-pullers, etc.), Healer’s Kit, Backpack, Bedroll, Sack, Wineskin,    20 gp
Dagger, Club, History, Investigation, Performance, Chondathan, Two Additional Languages
+2 INT,
+2 WIS,
+2 CHA
Clothes (fine), Dagger, Book, Bottle of Ink, 10 Sheets of Parchment, Blanket, 3 Volume Set of the Waterdeep Code Legal, Scroll Case, Bedroll, Backpack, Wineskin, Waterskin, 100 gp
Dagger, Club, Sling, Deception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Chondathan, One Additional Language
+2 DEX,
+2 CON
Clothes (ragged), Dagger, Sack, 2 days rations (spotted with mold), Copper Coin with Sharpened Edge, 2d6 sp
Blacksmith’s Apprentice
Club, Dagger, Light Hammer, Warhammer, Maul, Light & Medium Armor, Athletics, Chondathan, One Additional Language
Smith’s Tools
+4 STR,
+2 CON
Clothes (common), One Weapon of Your Choice, Dagger, Chain Shirt, Backpack, Bedroll, Waterskin, 10 gp
Dagger, Club, Hand Axe, Athletics, Animal Handling, Chondathan, One Additional Language
Cook’s Utensils
+2 STR, 
+4 CON
Clothes (common), Hand Axe (Cleaver), Dagger, Homemade Shield, Backpack, Cook’s Utensils, Bedroll, Waterskin, Sack, 5 lbs. Dried Beef, 5 gp
Caravan Guard
Spear, Longsword, Dagger, Light & Medium Armor, Animal Handling, Survival, Perception, Chondathan, One Additional Language
Gaming Sets
+2 STR,
  +2 CON
Traveler’s Clothes, Longsword, Dagger, Leather Armor, Shield (painted with Merchant Company Symbol), Mess Kit, Backpack, Bedroll, Tinderbox, Wineskin, 10 gp
Charlatan/ Confidence Artist
Dagger, Club, Deception, Performance, Sleight of Hand, Chondathan, One Additional Language
Gaming Sets, Disguise Kit, Forger’s Kit
+2 DEX, 
+2 CHA
Clothes (fine and traveller’s), Dagger, Backpack, Forger’s Kit, Disguise Kit, Forged 1,000 gp Bloodnote from Seven Suns Trading Priakos, Bedroll, Wineskin, 3d10 gp
City Guardsman (Waterdeep, retired)
Dagger, Shortsword, Longsword, Spear, Crossbow, Light & Medium Armors, Athletics,  Perception, Chondathan, One Additional Language
Gaming Set
+2 STR, 
+2 CON
Clothes (traveler’s), Shortsword, Dagger, Spear, Faded Waterdeep Guard Cloak, Medal of Commendation (Waterdeep), Chain Shirt, Backpack, Bedroll, Waterskin,     40 gp
City Watchman (retired)
Dagger, Club, Shortsword, Longsword, Mace, Light & Medium Armor, Insight, Perception, Chondathan, One Additional Language
Gaming Set
+2 STR, 
+2 WIS
Clothes (traveler’s), Shortsword, Dagger, Leather Armor, Dice Set, Backpack, Bedroll, Boot with Hollow Heel, Waterskin, 20 gp
Dagger, Club, Hand Axe, Light Armor, Athletics, Animal Handling, Chondathan, One Additional Language
Cook’s Utensils
+4 CON,
+1 All other
Clothes (common), Hand Axe (Cleaver), Homemade Padded Armor, Backpack, Bedroll, Cook’s Utensils, Iron Pot, Tinderbox, Waterskin, 10 gp
Cormyrian Knight
Longsword, Shortsword, Mace, Dagger, Lance, All Armors, Animal Handling, History, Chondathan, One Additional Language
+2 STR, 
+1 All other
Clothes (traveler’s & fine), Longsword, Dagger, Chainmail, Shield w/Family Crest, Backpack, Waterskin, Mess Kit, Signet Ring, Bedroll, War Horse (w/saddle and saddle bags), 100 gp
Cormyrian Knight’s Squire
Longsword, Shortsword, Dagger, Lance, Light & Medium Armors, Animal Handling, History, Chondathan, One Additional Language
+2 CON,
+1 All other
Clothes (traveler’s), Shortsword, Dagger, Chain Shirt, Backpack, Waterskin, Bedroll, Pony (w/saddle and saddlebags, 2 days feed), 20 gp
Courtesan/ Prostitute/ Trull/ Bedwarmer”/ “Warmflanks” or “Banner” (etc.  You get the picture)
Dagger, Club, Deception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Chondathan, One Additional Language
One Musical Instrument, Disguise Kit
+2 CON, 
+4 CHA
Clothing (traveler’s & fine), Dagger, Holy Symbol of Sune, One Musical Instrument, Vial of Perfume, Wineskin, Disguise Kit, Backpack, Bedroll, 50 gp
Dagger, Club, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Chondathan, One Additional Language
Thieves’ Tools
+2 DEX, 
+2 CHA
Clothes (common), Dagger, Coat w/ Hidden Pockets Sewn In, Steel Coin with Sharpened Side, Dice Set, Thieves’ Tools, Sack, Wineskin, 10 gp
Dagger, Club, Athletics, Survival, Chondathan, One Additional Language
+4 STR, 
+2 CON
Clothes (common, dirty), Dagger, Shovel (as club), Sack, Lamp, Flask of Oil, Tinderbox, Wineskin, 2d6 sp
Club, Spear, Dagger, Light Armor, Animal Handling, Survival, Chondathan, One Additional Language
Land Vehicles
+2 STR, 
+ 2 CON
Clothes (common), Homemade Padded Armor, Club, Dagger, Backpack, Waterskin, Iron Pot, Wagon (Full of Potatoes, 2 Draft Horses, Spare Wagon Wheel, 5 gp
Druid’s Apprentice
Quarterstaff, Club, Dagger, Light Armor, Animal Handling, Nature, Religion, Survival, Chondathan, Two Additional Languages
Herbalism Kit, Woodcarver’s Tools
Spells:  two 0-level Druid spells
+4 WIS
Clothes (traveler’s), Padded Armor, Quarterstaff, Dagger, Backpack, Bedroll, Pouch of Mistletoe, Herbalism Kit, Healer’s Kit, Waterskin, Holy Symbol, 5 gp
Dung Carter
Club, Dagger, Light Armor, Animal Handling, Survival, Perception, Chondathan, One Additional Language
Land Vehicles
+2 STR,  
+4 CON
Clothes (common), Homemade Padded Armor, Bedroll, Waterskin, Rickety Cart (soiled) with Mule, Wineskin, 2d6 sp
Dwarf Lord (from a fallen realm)
Dagger, Club, Shortsword, Battleaxe, Greataxe, All Armors, History, Persuasion, Chondathan, Dwarvish, Two Additional Languages
Smith’s Tools, Mason’s Tools
+2 CON,
+2 CHA
Clothes (traveler’s), Battleaxe, Dagger, Chain Shirt, Backpack, Bedroll, Whetstone & Oily Rag, Mess Kit, Waterskin, Pony (with saddle and saddlebags), 50 gp
Dwarven Outcast
Dagger, Shortsword, Battleaxe, Greataxe, Light & Medium Armors, Deception, Intimidation, Perception, Chondathan, Dwarvish, One Additional Language
Smith’s Tools, Mason’s Tools
+2 STR, 
+2 CON
Clothes (travelers’), Shortsword, Dagger, Boot with Spring Blade (per Dagger), Chain Shirt, Backpack, Bedroll, Dice Set, Vial of Poison (basic), Wineskin, 20 gp
Elven Noble
Longsword, Shortsword, Dagger, Spear, Longbow, History, Nature, Arcana, Chondathan, Elvish, Three Additional Languages
Three Musical Instruments
Spells: three 0-level Wizard spells.
+2 INT, 
+2 CHA
Clothes (fine & traveler’s), Dagger, Silvered Longsword, Backpack, Potion of Healing, Waterskin, 20 gp plus 100 gp in various gems
Escaped Criminal  (on the run)
Shortsword, Dagger, Club, Light Armor, Deception, Stealth, Survival, Sleight of Hand, Chondathan, One Additional Language
Thieves’ Tools
+2 DEX,
+2 CON
Clothes (common), Club, Stolen Loaf of Bread & Jug of Wine
Exiled Noble
Longsword or Rapier, Dagger, History, Insight, Persuasion, Chondathan, Two Additional Languages
+2 INT,
+2 CHA
Clothes (traveler’s), Longsword or Rapier, Dagger, Backpack, Potion of Healing, Gold Signet Ring, Wineskin, Bedroll, 100 gp
Club, Spear, Quarterstaff, Dagger, Light Armor, Nature, Perception, Survival, Chondathan, One Additional Language
+2 STR,  
+4 CON
Clothes (common), Pitchfork (as spear) or Spade (as club), Homemade Padded Armor, Backpack, Bedroll, Sack of Vegetables, Waterskin, 2d6 sp
Spear, Club, Dagger, Light Armor, Nature, Survival, Chondathan, One Additional Language
Water Vehicles
   +2 STR,
+2 CON
+2 DEX
Clothes (common), Club, Dagger, Homemade Padded Armor, Backpack, Bedroll, Waterskin,   2d6 sp
Club, Dagger, Shortsword, Deception, Intimidation, Stealth, Chondathan, One Additional Language
+2 STR,
+2 DEX
Clothes (common), Bronze-Headed Club, Dagger, Shortsword, Sack, Wineskin, 2d6 sp
Forester/ Hunter/ Trapper
Dagger, Club, Shortbow, Spear, Nature, Perception, Survival, Chondathan, One Additional Language
Woodcarving Tools
+2 DEX,
+2 WIS
Clothes (traveler’s), Dagger, Shortbow, 20 arrows, Hunter’s Trap, 1d6 Beaver Pelts, Backpack, Bedroll, Woodcarving Tools, Collection of Small Wooden Animals, Waterskin, 10 gp
Dagger, Club, Deception, Insight, Sleight of Hand, Chondathan, Three Additional Languages
Gaming Sets (cards & dice)
+2 DEX, 
+2 CHA
Clothes (fine), Dagger in Hidden Sheath, Backpack, Bedroll, Coat with Hidden Pockets, Wineskin, Dice & Cards, Deed to a Ruined House in Neverwinter, 1d10x10 gp, Choose One:  Flamboyant Hat, Gold Tooth, Glass Eye, or False Eyepatch.
Grave Digger
Dagger, Club, Athletics, Intimidation, Chondathan, One Additional Language
+2 STR, 
+4 CON
Clothes (common), Shovel (treat as club), Dagger, Bedroll, Waterskin, 2d6 sp
Grave Robber
Dagger, Shortsword, Club, Light Armor, Investigation, Stealth, Chondathan, One Additional Language
+2 STR, 
+2 CHA
Clothes (traveler’s), Shortsword, Dagger, Leather Armor, Shovel (per club), Backpack, Sack, Bedroll, Waterskin, Pouch of 50 gp of Jewelry (assorted rings, necklaces, earrings, and brooches stolen from graves), 10 gp
Guild Artisan
Dagger, Club, Insight, Persuasion, Chondathan, One Additional Language
One set of Artisan’s Tools (your choice)
+2 to All
Clothes (traveler’s), Dagger, Club, One Set of Artisan’s Tools (pg. 154) Backpack, Bedroll, Waterskin, Mule (w/ Saddlebags), Letter of Recommendation from Former Master, 20 gp
Innkeeper   (former)
Dagger, Club, Insight, Persuasion, Chondathan, Two Additional Languages
One Musical Instrument
+2 WIS, 
+2 CHA
Clothing (traveler’s), Dagger, Wineskin, Backpack, Sack, Bedroll, 150 gp (life savings from selling what was left of your burned-down inn)
Jester/Juggler/ Entertainer
Dagger, Club, Acrobatics, Performance, Sleight of Hand, Chondathan, One Additional Language
One Musical Instrument
+2 DEX, 
+2 CHA
Clothes (traveler’s & performer’s motley), Dagger, Juggling Balls, One Musical Instrument of Your Choice,  Backpack, Bedroll, Waterskin,  10 gp
Laborer/ Porter
Dagger, Club, Athletics, Intimidation, Chondathan
+4 STR,
+2 CON
Clothes (common), Club, Sack, Waterskin, Push Cart, 2d6 sp
Locksmith’s Apprentice
Dagger, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Chondathan, One Additional Language
Thieves’ Tools, Tinker’s Tools
+2 DEX,
+2 INT
Clothes (common), Dagger, Backpack, Bedroll, Thieves’ Tools, Ring of Skeleton Keys, 4 Locks (w/keys), Waterskin,  20 gp
Dagger, Shortsword, Longsword, Spear, Crossbow, Shortbow, Light & Medium Armors, Athletics, Animal Handling, Intimidation, Chondathan, Two Additional Languages
+2 STR, 
+2 CON
Clothes (traveler’s), Leather Armor, Shield Painted w/Symbol of Former Mercenary Company, Longsword, Dagger, Whetstone & Oily Rag, Backpack, Bedroll, Wineskin, 5d6 gp, Momento (roll 1d6): (1) Hilt from a Broken Orc Scimitar, (2) Elf Arrow, (3) Uthgardt Snowcat-fang Necklace, (4) Troll’s Finger (still wiggling), (5) Zhentilar Captain’s Baton, or (6) Pouch of Tin Soldiers from your Childhood  
Dagger, Club, Deception, Insight, Persuasion, Chondathan, Two Additional Languages
+2 DEX, 
+2 CHA
Clothes (traveler’s & fine), Dagger, Backpack, Bedroll, Wineskin, Pony (w/saddle and saddlebags), Merchant’s Scale, Steel Mirror, Tinderbox,     50 gp
Dagger, Club, Light Hammer, War Pick, Warhammer, Maul, Athletics, Survival, Chondathan, One Additional Language
Mason’s Tools
+2 STR, 
  +2 CON
Clothes (common), Pickaxe (Treat as Club), Sack, Bedroll, Waterskin, 2d6 sp
Dagger, Club, Performance, Sleight of Hand, Chondathan, Two Additional Languages
Three Musical Instruments
+2 DEX,
+2 CHA
Clothes (traveler’s & fine), Dagger in Hidden Wrist Sheath, One Musical Instrument of Your Choice,  Backpack, Bedroll, Waterskin, 20 gp
Noble, Dilettante (Waterdeep)
Longsword, Rapier, Dagger, Light & Medium Armor, History, Persuasion, Chondathan, Two Additional Languages
Gaming Set
+2 INT,
  +2 CHA
Fine Clothes, Masterwork Longsword or Rapier (+1 damage), Dagger, Chain Shirt, Gold Signet Ring, Backpack, Potion of Healing, Wineskin, Bedroll, 200 gp
Noble,  Second Son (Cormyr)
Longsword, Shortsword, Lance, Dagger, Club, All Armor, History, Persuasion, Two Additional Languages
+2 STR,
 +2 CON,
+2 CHA
Fine Clothes, Masterwork Longsword (+1 damage), Dagger, Chain Shirt, Gold Signet Ring, Backpack, Bedroll, Potion of Healing, Waterskin, 200 gp
Northman Reaver
Dagger, Battleaxe, Handaxe, Longsword, Light & Medium Armor, Intimidation, Survival, Chondathan, Illuskan
Water Vehicles
+2 STR, 
+2 CON
Clothes (traveler’s), Handaxe, Longsword or Battleaxe, Dagger, Chain Shirt, Wooden Shield, Horned Helm, Holy Symbol to Umberlee, Sack, Wineskin, 2d6 gp
Dagger, Club, Animal Handling, Insight, Persuasion, Chondathan, One Additional Language
+2 WIS,
+2 CHA
Clothes (traveler’s), Dagger, Backpack, Bedroll, Waterskin, Mule loaded with 50 gp of Trade Goods (your choice), 10 gp
Pig Keeper
Dagger, Club, Sling, Animal Handling, Survival, Chondathan, One Additional Language
+2 STR,
+2 DEX
+2 CON
Clothes (common), Dagger, Sling, Sack, Bedroll, Warm Winter Cloak and Gloves Sewn By Your Mother, Lucky (but worthless) Rock, Waterskin,     2d6 sp
Dagger, Club, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, Chondathan, One Additional Language
+2 STR, 
+2 CHA
Clothing (traveler’s & fine), Fancy Hat, Dagger, Sap (treat as Club) Boot with Hollow Heel, Wineskin, Backpack, Bedroll, 50 gp
 Dagger, Club, Medicine, Nature, Sleight of Hand, Chondathan, One Additional Language
Herbalism Kit, Poisoner’s Kit
+2 DEX,  
+2 INT
Dagger, Clothes (traveler’s), Pouch with 4 Pinches of Arsenic (ingested, DC 15 Con Save or 3d6 damage and poisoned for 1 day), Vial of Antitoxin, Backpack, Bedroll, Wineskin, 10 gp
Rat Catcher
Dagger, Club, Sling, Deception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Chondathan, One Additional Language
+2 DEX, 
+2 CON
Clothes (ragged), Dagger, Sack, 1d6 dried rats, 2d6 sp
Retired Veteran
Dagger, Club, Shortsword, Longsword, Spear, Crossbow, Light & Medium Armors, Animal Handling, Survival, Chondathan, Two Additional Languages
+2 STR, 
+2 WIS
Clothes (traveler’s), Longsword, Dagger, Leather Armor, Backpack, Bedroll, Wineskin, 20 gp, and Roll 1d4:  (1) Eyepatch (you are missing an eye), (2) Wooden Hand (you are missing one hand, and may not use two weapons), (3) Letter of Commendation, (4) Potion of Healing.
Dagger, Club, Athletics, Perception, Chondathan, Two Additional Languages
Navigator’s Tools, Water Vehicles
+2 STR
+2 DEX,
+2 CON
Clothes (common), Dagger, Belaying Pin (per club), 50’ of Silk Rope, Bedroll, Sack,  10 gp
Quarterstaff, Dagger, History, Arcana, Perception, Chondathan, Three Additional Languages
+4 INT
Clothes (traveler’s), Dagger, Quarterstaff, Three Obscure Tomes (on subjects of your choice), Bottle of Ink, 10 Sheets of Parchment, Your Personal Journal, Backpack, Wineskin, Bedroll, 50 gp
Dagger, Club, Arcana, History, Sleight of Hand, Two Additional Languages
Calligrapher’s Supplies, Forgery Kit
+2 DEX,
+2 INT
Clothes (traveler’s), Writing Kit & Supplies, Forger’s Kit, Dagger, Backpack, Bedroll,    20 gp
Dagger, Club, Insight, Persuasion, Chondathan, One Additional Language
+2 to All
Clothes (common), Dagger, Bedroll, Letter of Recommendation from Former Employer, Waterskin, 10 gp
Shepherd/ Goat Herder
Dagger, Club, Quarterstaff, Sling, Athletics, Survival, Chondathan, One Additional Language
+2 STR,
+2 DEX
+2 CON
Clothes (common), Dagger, Sling, Quarterstaff, Sack, Bedroll, Goat or Sheep, Waterskin, 2d6 sp
Club, Dagger, Light Hammer, Warhammer, Maul, Light Armor, Athletics, Chondathan, One Additional Language
Mason’s Tools
+4 STR,
+2 CON
Clothes (common), Sledge Hammer (treat as Maul), Homemade Padded Armor, Backpack, Bedroll, Waterskin, 10 gp
Temple Acolyte (City)
Club, Mace, Light Hammer, Warhammer, History, Medicine, Religion, Chondathan (Common), One Additional Language
Herbalism Kit
Spells:  two 0-level Cleric spells
+2 WIS,
+2 INT 
Clothes (traveler’s), Priest’s Robes, Mace, Holy Symbol, Prayer Book, Healer’s Kit, Waterskin, Backpack, Bedroll, 20 gp
Temple Acolyte (Evil or War-like Church)
Club, Mace, Dagger, Morningstar, Warhammer, Light & Medium Armor, Intimidation or Stealth, Religion, Chondathan, One Additional Language
Choose 1:  Herbalism Kit, Thieves Tools, Poisoner’s Kit, or Disguise Kit
Spells:  one 0-level Cleric spells
+1 STR,
+1 CON,
+2 WIS 
Clothing (traveler’s), Mace, Leather Armor, Holy Symbol, Prayer Book, Healer’s Kit, Backpack, Bedroll,  Waterskin, 50 gp
Temple Acolyte (Noble Birth)
Longsword, Club, Mace, Religion, History, Persuasion, Chondathan, Two Additional Languages
Gaming Set, Herbalism Kit
Spells:  one 0-level Cleric spells
+2 WIS, 
+2 CHA
Clothing (fine & traveler’s), Priest’s Robes, Mace, Holy Symbol, Prayer Book, Healer’s Kit, Waterskin, Backpack, Bedroll, 200 gp
Temple Acolyte (Roguish Church)
Dagger, Club, Mace, Deception, Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Religion, Chondathan, One Additional Language
Thieves’ Tools
Spells:  one 0-level Cleric spells
+2 DEX, 
 +2 WIS
Traveler’s Clothing, Dagger, Club, Holy Symbol, Prayer Book, Healer’s Kit, Backpack, Bedroll, Wineskin, 10 gp
Temple Guard
Longsword, Shortsword, Mace, Club, Spear, Athletics, Perception, Religion, Chondathan, One Additional Language
+2 STR, 
+2 WIS
Traveler’s Clothing, Chain Shirt, Mace, Dagger, Holy Symbol, Backpack, Bedroll, Waterskin, 20 gp
Thief Catcher
Dagger, Shortsword, Club, Quarterstaff, Net, Sling, Light Armor, Investigation, Intimidation, Stealth, Chondathan, Two Additional Languages
Disguise Kit, Thieves’ Tools
+2  DEX,
+2 WIS
Quarterstaff, 2 Daggers, Shortsword, Clothes (traveler’s & common), Leather Armor, Vial of Antitoxin, Bag of 20 Caltrops, Manacles with Lock & Key, Magnifying Glass, Thieves’ Tools, Backpack, Bedroll,    20 gp
Dagger, Club, Sling, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Chondathan, Two Additional Languages
Tinker’s Tools, Thieves’ Tools
+2 DEX,
+2 CHA
Clothes (traveler’s), Dagger, Tinker’s Tools, Thieves’ Tools, Mule loaded with Collection of Pots and Cheap Metalwork (worth 10 gp), Bedroll, Waterskin, 10 gp
Tumbler/ Acrobat
Dagger, Club, Quarterstaff, Acrobatics, Athletics, Performance,  Chondathan, One Additional Language
One Musical Instrument
+2 STR,
 +2  DEX
Clothes (traveler’s & performer’s motley), 50’ Silk Rope, Dagger, Backpack, Bedroll, Waterskin, 5 gp
Uthgardt Barbarian Wanderer (Griffon, Elk, Tree Ghost, or Blue Bear Tribes)
Club, Greatclub, Longsword, Battleaxe, Greatsword, Spear, Sling, Maul, Light & Medium Armor, Intimidation, Survival, Chondathan, Uthgardt, One Additional Language
+2 STR, 
+2 CON
One Weapon of Your Choice, Dagger, Hide Armor (furs), Traveler’s Clothes, Bedroll, Waterskin, 5 gp
Village Priest
Club, Mace, Quarterstaff, Sling, Insight, Medicine, Religion, Chondathan (Common), One Additional Language
Herbalism Kit
+2 WIS, 
+2 CON
Clothing (traveler’s), Priest’s Robes, Quarterstaff, Holy Symbol, Prayer Book, Healer’s Kit, Waterskin,  Backpack, Bedroll, 10 gp
Wizard’s Apprentice
Dagger, Quarterstaff, Arcana, History, Chondathan, Three Additional Languages
Herbalism Kit, Alchemists’ Supplies
Spells:  three 0-level Wizard spells
+2 INT, 
+2 WIS
Robes, Traveler’s Clothes, Dagger, Former Master’s Spellbook with 4 random 1st Level Spells, Backpack, Bedroll, Wineskin, 20 gp


  1. the stats seem a little over the top, but all else is awesome

  2. Thanks, Griffin! I totally agree, the stat boosts are definitely over the top. My thought in making them so was...

    (1) I was torturing my players and making them start at 0-level and roll on this ridiculous table, so they deserved a break.


    (2) It was a way of balancing out the obviously not-equal backgrounds. Player A is a wealthy nobleman, and player B is a pig farmer. They both make it alive to level 1. My thinking is that pig farmer deserves a bonus, to make up for his lack of skills, starting equipment, etc.

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  5. I like the idea of starting characters at 0-level.
