This leaves me somewhat confused and irritated. What am I supposed to do with clerics in my ongoing Neverwinter game. Where is my giant book of new domains and channel divinity powers?
Oh, well. Guess I have to make my own. So I did that.
The 2nd Edition era Faiths & Avatars is one of my favorite supplements, and fully details all the rituals, holy days, titles, etc. for the various Forgotten Realms gods. So I've got that covered. All I need to do now is try to jam those old "specialty priests" into 5e's new systems. That means creating (or modifying) a divine domain tailored to fit each god. And of course, because I monkey with everything, I'll be adding my own special sauce to each as I go along.
So let's start with two of my favorites: Gond and Myrkul.
GOND, the Wonderbringer, the Lord of All Smiths.
Portfolio: Artifice, Craft, Smiths, Construction.

- Bonus Proficiencies – At 1st level, priests of Gond gain five tool proficiencies from among the following list: Alchemist’s Tools, Carpenter’s Tools, Cobbler’s Tools, Glassblower’s Tools, Leatherworker’s Tools, Mason’s Tools, Smith’s Tools, Tinker’s Tools, Weaver’s Tools, Woodcarver’s Tools, or Thieves’ Tools.
- Armor & Weapon Proficiencies - All simple weapons, crossbows, firearms, explosives, siege weapons, and other Gondsmen devices (see below), and with all armor and shields.
- Smokepowder & Weapon Creation - Beginning at 1st level, Gondsmen begin to learn the secrets of the clergy's greatest inventions, including smokepowder weapons. Provided a priest has access to tolls and supplies, he or she can create such devices. Recommended costs and required levels are listed in the table below.
Level Required
Cost (each)
Smoke Grenades
10 gp
60’ range, one round after lands
creates a 20’ radius cloud of smoke that heavily obscures sight.
Smokepowder Bomb (Formula 1)
25 gp
60’ range, requires lighting
wick, 3d6 damage to all within 10’ unless DC 12 Dexterity saving throw.
Net Crossbow
100 gp
Per heavy crossbow, but instead
of damage fires a net up to range of 30/100.
Smokepowder Musket
200 gp
4d6 piercing, ammunition, range
(40/120), two-round loading time, two-handed.
Explodes (3d6) on a natural 1.
Dragonslayer Cart (Mark 1)
500 gp
A standard horse-cart loaded with
a rapid-loading ballista of your own design.
4d10 damage, range 120/480, requires one action to load, one action to
aim, and one action to fire.
Smokepower Bomb (Formula Two)
50 gp
range, requires lighting wick, 6d6 damage to all within 10’ unless DC 12
Dexterity saving throw.
Smokepowder Pistol (Mark I)
250 gp
piercing, ammunition, range 30/90, single shot, two-round loading time.
Smokepowder Scattergun
300 gp
6d6 piercing damage in 20’ cone,
three-round loading time
Dragonslayer Cart (Mark II)
400 gp
A smokepowder cannon mounted on a
horse-drawn cart that propels heavy balls of cast iron through the air at
destructive speeds. 8d10 bludgeoning
damage, suffers from Disadvantage against any target smaller than huge, range
600/2,400, five actions to load, one action to aim, one action to fire.
The Red Dragon Apparatus
400 gp
A backpack tank of alchemist’s
fire, connected to a rubber hose, 30’ cone range, as action can fire a jet of
flaming oil that deals 5d6 damage to all in 30’ cone, DC 12 Dexterity saving
throw at beginning of their turn or continue to burn for 1d6 damage. Holds 10 shots before must be
reloaded. Explodes into a 8d6 fireball
on a natural 1.
Smokepower Bomb (Formula Three)
100 gp
range, requires lighting wick, 6d6 damage to all within 10’ (DC 12 Dexterity
saving throw for half).
Smokepowder Pistol (Mark II)
500 gp
3d6 piercing, range 30/90, five
shots before reloading (requires short rest).
Smokepowder Bomb (Formula Four)
200 gp
60’ range, requires lighting
wick, 8d6 damage to all within 20’ (DC 12 Dexterity saving throw for half).
- Channel Divinity: Those Wonderful Toys – Beginning at 2nd level, priests of Gond may expend one use of Channel Divinity to grant advantage on any single attack roll involving a Gond weapon, or to grant a single foe Disadvantage on a saving throw against such a weapon.
- Channel Divinity: Clockwork Companion – Beginning at 6th level, a priest of Gond can choose to build a clockwork companion, essentially a mechanical version of another creature or monster. Building a clockwork companion requires 1,000 gp and one week per CR (minimum 1,000 gp and 1 week), and the total CR of the creature cannot be higher than the cleric's level minus 5. The clockwork companion gains any abilities of the duplicated creature that can reasonably be simulated by machinery, along with a +2 to AC and Resistance to non-magical piercing and slashing weapons, as well as any other abilities allowed by the DM.
- I’m Sure I Can Figure This Out – Beginning at 8th level, clerics of Gond may use any magical item or device even if they do not otherwise meet the racial, spellcasting, or other requirements.
- Summon Aspect of the Great Machine – Beginning at 17th level, once per long rest a priest of Gond may summon as aspect of the great machine, a large spectral clockwork device that acts in all respects as the spell Bigby’s Hand.
Artifice Domain Spells
Servant, Grease
Object, Heat Metal
Glyph of Warding
Objects, Creation
MYRKUL, the Lord of Bones, the Old Lord Skull, the Reaper, the Lord of the Dead.
Portfolio: the Dead, Wasting, Decay, Corruption, Old Age, Dusk, Autumn.
Rules: Per standard cleric, but with the new Death Domain, per below:
- Bonus Proficiencies – At 1st level, priests of Myrkul ("Grey Ones") gain proficiency in Embalming Tools.
- Armor & Weapon Proficiencies - All simple weapons, plus sickle, scimitar, and light and medium armor.
- Secrets of the Dead - Beginning at 1st level, Grey Ones gain Advantage in any Arcana or Religion check involving knowledge of the undead.
- Body of the Grave - Grey Ones are unaffected by disease or parasites' debilitating effects, suffering no game penalties until the moment such effects become fatal.
- Channel Divinity: Command Undead - Grey Ones can, but generally do not, turn undead. Instead, they excel at commanding undead. Beginning at 2nd level, as an action, Grey Ones may expend one use of Channel Divinity and force all undead within 30’ to make a Charisma saving throw vs. the cleric's spell save DC or become friendly and obey commands. Intelligent undead (Intelligence 8 or higher) receive Advantage on this saving throw and, if it has Intelligence 12 or higher, it receives a new save after each hour of control. If more than one cleric is vying for control over the same undead, a contested Spell Attack roll (Wisdom modifier + Proficiency bonus) determines who maintains or gains control.
- Channel Divinity: Touch of Death - Beginning at 6th level, Grey Ones may expend a use of Channel Divinity as a reaction to add 2d8 necrotic damage to a single successful melee attack.
- Feed on Death - At 8th level, a Grey One may, as an action, touch a single dying humanoid target (a living creature only) and immediately force it to roll a Constitution saving throw or perish. If the victim dies, the Grey One immediately heals 1d6 hp per level or HD of the victim.
- Sealed to Myrkul - At 17th level, when a Grey One uses Touch of Death, and the target dies or is deceased, the victim can never again be resurrected, reincarnated, raised, or animated as undead.
Death Domain Spells
Life, Ray of Sickness
Ray of Enfeeblement
Dead, Vampiric Touch
Death Ward
Shell, Create Undead
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